Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday- Mouth Mysteries The Unspoken Truth Unfiltered 022425

Elke Season 3 Episode 7

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  • Greetings to my devoted listeners. Apologies that I've been MIA for 2 whole weeks. I've missed talking to all of you and hearing your feedback. I've been under various Doctors care for my mouth mysteries. It started with what I thought was "dry mouth" boy was I wrong. Todays Mindful Monday is all about being Mindful about your health and well being.
  • Advocate for yourself in every way-your health, your job, your relationships, your mind, body and soul. Unless you're a minor, no one will do it for you, so it's up to you! We only get One Life we need to embrace every day. 
  • What this mouth mystery has taught me is that time is a precious gift and we should not take it for granted as it could change in an instant. 
  • My primary doctor prescribed me a paste thinking it would cure my mouth mystery diagnosed via photos emailed and symptoms 1 week later no improvement.
  • Next visit my primary doctor who examines me we go down the list-hand feet & mouth nope, thrush, no, herpes, no, the list goes on...Doc have you ever seen this before? Doctor-NO I haven't.  ME- GULP.
  • Next Up Ear Nose & Throat Doctor hmmmm I think it's mucousitis or lichen planus we're going to treat it with steroids-predinisone- 6 days 6x a day and a steroid mouth rinse 4 x a day and GUESS WHAT???  It doesn't improve -SMH :(  
  • Next up Biopsy of most active area upper lip OUCH then Rheumatology department calls me tells me my primary doctor referred my results to them.
  • Stay Tuned for Wisdom Wellness Wednesday to Share "The Mouth Mysteries The Unspoken Truth" 
  • Last but not least Remember Zachy's sweet treats? Zachy is my 21 year old Autistic buddy who bakes a dozen cookies for $20 a steal, he bakes with love, his mom helps him while he's learning a life skill and building relationships please help support this sweet talented young man! 
  • https://www.zachyssweettreats.com 

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