Elkevate Your Life

Wisdom Wellness Wednesday Are You Ready For Some Football?? 020525

Elke Season 3 Episode 6

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  • Cold Rainy Days has anyone else been affected in a weird way? I mean how do you like the cold? Or the rain? Me personally, I know we need it; but man this cold, I feel like it cuts right through me to my bones. I do think it creates a nice setting for cozy movie nights like Netflix, Apple or Hulu evenings. 
  • Drunk Driving Incident in Pleasanton an 18 year old was arrested on drunk driving charges after a 2 car crash in Pleasanton. At 10:20 p.m. Sunday, officers responded to a crash between 2 vehicles near Hopyard and Golden roads. Damage was minor and no one seriously hurt. 
  • Are You Ready 4 some football? Super Bowl is this Sunday! Who will you root or cheer for? Kansas City Chiefs? Or Philadelphia Eagles? Who will you Place your bets on? Any Super Bowl traditions you follow? Do you place your bets on football squares? If so, do tell, is Super Bowl party at your place? Or someone else's?

       Aquarians Birthday-Happy Birthday Ajay Kapoor, Gene Cherrix, Kim St. Pierre                                                                                                                 

  • Valentines Day approaching are you ready? What do you do for Valentines Day? Is it the date night Dinner? Chocolate or Roses?Jewelry? Perfume? Romantic Getaway? I received my Valentine's gift early since I've been going through it physically with my 3 week unknown mouth rash. Although technically I've been asking for it for over 1 year now. 
  • Speaking of Valentines Day here are some great ideas for Valentine's treats, or gifts- Starting with Home Baked Cookies compliments of Zachy's sweet treats my 21 year old friend who has Autism. Zachy is learning life skills, with a little help of his beloved mother Nicole Sedano. Code word "Autism" will get you 20% off your order that will deliver to you.
  • https://www.zachyssweettreats.com        
  • Kara Kitchell Kenfeld also has some talents of her own, from poems, to paintings, video montages, check out her site for a unique gift. https://www.lovemyartist.etsy.com 
  • Tom Guzik her other half has some talents of his own with a more rustic vibe to his art pieces- hand carved wood wall art, to ornaments etc... https://www.minerspickstudios.etsy.com                                                                                  
  • Commitment 2 Love, Love is a verb by Kyle Phew can be found on Amazon via Kindle $2.99 
  • Shout Out to My Loyal Listeners- I appreciate you all- Kiesha, Sarah Agee, Andrew (Happy Almost Birthday), Andrew Mendonca, Trixie, Carly Muser, Rain Burleson, Parker, Eimaan, Adam, Lisa Curbelo, Nicole Sedano, Jeff Parra, (stay tuned for ParraPalooza April 12th), Travis LeMire, Mike Kaufman, Barry Minor, Parker, Eimaann, and Adam & Nancy Nottage. 

  • Remember to Like, Share, Follow on All platforms 

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