Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday Let Me Blow Your Mind! 012725

Elke Season 3 Episode 4

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  • The Struggle Is Real -Sorry I wasn't here for you last week but Drs. are trying to determine what's happened to me :( undiagnosed rash prevented me from talking comfortably, unfortunately still unknown. All homeopathic remedies are being used. Monitoring food & beverage intake which isn't much these days.Please send youre positive thoughts, prayers, love or light, whatever you practice. 
  • Paying It Forward- D.Salcius notes, "when we pay it forward we transcend our connection to other humans...in a positive way". Focus on your own pay it forward. Hold the door open for someone, smiling, or a sincere compliment. By taking the chance to embrace this act, you are seeing a change; not just in others, but also yourself.
  • Commitment 2 Love, Love is a Verb-by Kyle Phew Can be found on Amazon listen to it on Kindle. An excellent read to help you in learning and understanding whether you are single or in a relationship. " Commitment to love" means that love is not just a feeling, but an active choice and a conscious decision to act in loving ways, essentially viewing "love" as a verb, signifying that it requires action and commitment to demonstrate through your behavior, not just through emotions. 
  • Sundays Football Game(s)- Did you watch Kansas City Chiefs vs Buffalo Bills? What are your thoughts on the calls in the game? I am not a professional football referee, NFL lover or hater, Do you think or feel that certain teams are favored? I interviewed several frequent football students, teachers, people, referees , etc. Some speculate that it's catered to Taylor Swift Fan Base?? Some find it interesting The Kansas City Chiefs plays appear to be favored? 
  • Babygirl Movie- Have any of you seen the Erotic Thriller? I personally think or feel it may have you thinking of your own thoughts, ideas, and fantasies. A story about women, bodies and regulation of both, and what it means when a woman surrenders her most secret self. If into psychological thrillers that don't shy from taboo subjects it's worth the watch.
  • Shout out to my loyal subscribers & listeners- Jeff Parra, Michael Kaufman, Nicole Sedano , Lisa Curbelo, & Kyle Phew thank you for supporting me :)  Lisa Walls Johnson, Sameena Q., Sara Agee, Travis LeMire, Kiesha, Carly Muser, Michael Kaufman, Barry Minor, Rain, Parker, Nicole, Andrew, Eimann & Adam.
  • Zachy's sweet treats- Code word Autism for 20% off best homemade cookies baked with love by an awesome 21yr old autistic genius sweetheart! http://www.zachyssweettreats.com

  • Also shout out to my talented friends  
  • Tom Guzik who sells creative rustic art http://minerspicstudios.etsy.com
  • Kara Kenfeld- who has lovely wedding favors, video montages with music http://lovemyartisit.etsy.com
  • Loyal Listeners Please Like, Share, Follow, Subscribe, Fan Mail, Sponsor - Help me reach a larger audience with building my studio, expanding on my equipment so I can be SEEN, HEARD, INTERVIEW ! 

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