Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday The Season of Giving Sprinkle that SH*! Everywhere! 123024

Elke Season 2 Episode 20

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  • Christmas or Holiday What Did you do? Did you get everything you wanted this holiday season? Eat good food, Celebrate with family or friends ? We celebrated different this year instead of traditionally Delta King Ship Riverboat we attended Candlelight Service at Crosswinds talked about traditions etc. Several Attendees mentioned traditions of homemade Tamales ummm hellloooo how do I get on this List? I love tamales, Mexican Food, I am a total foodie. Our Christmas was in 3 segments- Mister & I , Mister & I , then Brooklyn, Carly, Mister & I . Carly is like my other daughter. Watching them grow and mature is so beautiful. 
  • Shout Out to My Subscribers- Lisa Roberts Curbelo, Jeff Parra, & Mike Kaufman- I appreciate and love you xoxo 
  • My subscriber link https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2323357.rss
  • Thank You to Zachy https://zachyssweettreats.com for his tasty cookies and to his kind selfless family please support him and his cause he's autistic learning life skills. 
  • Thank You to Bonnie https://bontreauxblinghats.com for your lovely hats that grace mine, Carly and soon to be Brooklyn's head. Perfect for this season. We appreciate you and your selfless kindness. 
  • Norovirus Cases Surging-FDA advises that S & M Shellfish Co. of San Francisco issued a recall for certain oysters. 
  • My Goals for my podcast I want to Elkevate others Globally emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Human Kindness Sprinkle that SH!* EVERYWHERE that is my dream my goal. 
  • Confessions of an abusive upbringing brought me to this realization I want to include and help others, embrace their differences that's what makes us all unique. Spread Love, not Hate. Inclusion not Exclusion. 
  • Movie Recommendations for Holiday Time, Family Time, Bonding time, Netflix suggestions and Movie Theatre favorites. 
  • Sponsorship to aide in production costs and growth 

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