Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday Blow Your Mind Season 2 Episode 18 120924

Elke Season 2 Episode 18

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  • Recap on Holiday/Thanksgving Break- Favorite Activities, Foods, Traditions, Recipes, Travel do tell as we're all dying to hear 
  • How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally- Homeopathic &/or herbal remedies that work or do they? Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Turmeric, Sufficient Sleep what is your go to?
  • Sexuality-How has it changed??  BiSexual, TriSexual, Fluid, what does it all mean and why is it more prevalent in todays society? Or is it? Inquiring minds like myself want to know. 
  • It's Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas-16 Days left are you ready for it? Shopping done? Gifts wrapped? 
  • Celebrate Good Times C'mon Girls Trip- Your Girl (that's Me) will be going to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate my 2 daughter's birthdays- Brooklyn my blood daughter & Carly her bestie for 10+ years who is like family :) so I may be MIA for Wisdom Wellness Wednesday 12/11 &  Mindful Monday 12/16  But will have lots to Share in New Episode so Stay Tuned! 
  • Shout Out to All My Loyal Listeners-Thank You 
  • Please Like, Share, Subscribe, Sponsor 

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