Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday Be Kind To One Another 120224

Elke Season 2 Episode 17

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  • Thanksgiving Break or Fall Break is over "womp womp" as my students would say, it wasn't long enough for most according to all I spoke to today that was the general consensus we needed one more day 
  • Mindful Monday message is to be kind to your neighbor, friend, coworker, stranger, share a smile, pay for the persons coffee if you're in line at Starbucks, Peets, wherever, be selfless let's focus on being kind to one another during these trying times of inflation and prices increasing 
  • Shout Out to my listeners and subscribers thank you for supporting me, Local Businesses I frequent Persimmon Dental make you feel like family, American Cancer Society Discovery Shop donate or shop the one stop shop, and Sunshine Saloon-good food, good drinks, good service, and good fun  
  • My vacation is 9 days away Cabo we're coming' for you going with my 2 daughters woot woot 

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