Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday The Art of Active Listening Practicing Mindfulness Being Intentional 11182024 Season 2 #16

Elke Season 2 Episode 16

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  • Thanksgiving Break is approaching- What is your Thanksgiving or Holiday Tradition? Do you have One? Do you celebrate? Is it with Family &/or Friends? Do you go on vacation? 
  • Mindful Monday how do you Practice Mindfulness? I think we are all guilty of not acting on our thoughts or feelings in the moment as often as we like and that's ok..... Are you Listening? 
  • Active Listening do you know how ?  A Practice that doesn't necessarily come naturally but in my opinion should be learned. I offer some suggestions on how to be an active listener and how that can benefit you and others.
  • Be Present-What does that mean? What does it mean to you? How can we learn to be present? How does that help us? Or help others? 
  • Text /or Fan Mail in Your Ideas on an Episode. Your Ideas? Your Recipes? Traditions? 
  • Remember to Like-Follow-Share-Subscribe-

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