Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday Practicing Gratitude 11112024 Season 2 #15

Elke Season 2 Episode 15

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  • Practice Gratitude-What does that look like for you? Do you practice it? How I practice physical, spiritual, and/or mental health
  • Wellness Weight loss-It's not just about eating better or exercising it's a little more involved than that
  • Veterans Day- Thank you to all that served or are serving I appreciate you! What do you do or what are some of the traditional things done Veteran's Day weekend? Shopping? Travel? Do tell.
  • Loving What You do and Doing What you Love-I feel it makes a difference when you do something that you love " You never work a day in your life if you do what you Love" that has become a mantra of mine. 
  • Shoutout to my Support System- I am so grateful for where I work, who I work with, Teachers, Staff, Students, Listeners, etc...
  • FAN MAIL I'd LOVE TO Receive a Fan Mail Topic or Request

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