Elkevate Your Life

Mindful Monday Taco Tuesday Season 2 Episode 9

Elke Season 2 Episode 9

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  • Florida Hurricane Global Warming is REAL-Category 5  Windspeed's  from 125-130 1.5 million evacuating Sending Positive thoughts, vibes and prayers out to all who may be affected hopefully it detours and doesn't impact any other people.
  • Ladies Be Aware of Your Surroundings- I am now semi-impacted by this disturbing trend that's happening. Men in Stores are following women around the store, these men have nothing in their carts, sometimes taking pictures or videos, some bold enough to approach you or squeeze by you. Ladies carry your pepper spray, keychain alarm, and REPORT it to someone who listens! 
  • Fan Mail- Where is it? I keep asking but you're not sending it in?! Please send in your questions? Your content ideas? Halloween costumes that are trending? Relationship Advice?
  • Shout Out to My Loyal Listeners/Subscribers/Donators-Lisa C. & Mike Kaufman, loyal listeners Eimann, Adam,Keisha, etc... 
  • As Usual Please Like, Follow, Share Me on Buzzsprout, Apple, Spotify, YouTube, etc.

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